March 2021 Minutes
Rauceby Parish Council
Minutes from the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday, 17th March 2021 at 7.30pm.
The meeting was held virtually, using Zoom hosting.
Present: Cllr M Ireland (in the Chair), Cllr B Balderston, Cllr G Enstone, Cllr R Enstone, Cllr S Enstone, Cllr M Froggatt, Cllr J Malloch, Cllr S Waite, Cllr S Waring (NKDC), Cllr A Hagues (LCC) and the Clerk, Mrs P Ireland.
Public speaking time – No members of the public were present.
1. Apologies for Absence and welcome: Cllr K Colehouse. The Chairman welcomed the newly co-opted member of the Parish Council, Simon Enstone.
2. To Receive any Declarations of Interest: Cllr J Malloch DPI – Item 7.i
3. To decide on any items to be carried out in Closed Session: It was resolved to carry out item 8 in closed session.
4. To approve as a correct record the notes of the meeting held on 20th January 2021. - The minutes were approved by the meeting and signed by the Chairman.
5. Rauceby Gigabit Project: A report had been circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr S Enstone updated the meeting. A company (single legal entity) now established and seeking to open a bank account. Firm quotes still sought. Assessing self-help.
6. Reports from Visiting Representatives and Police Matters if any:
* NKDC – Cllr Waring reported that from a very bleak position of being £2-3M down, NKDC had worked hard to resolve the situation and were now looking to take approx. £200K from reserves for the next financial year.
* LCC – An update from Cllr Hagues had been circulated. It was noted that Central Government had taken back £12.5m promised for highway repairs. Discussion took place about the proposed new speed limit on the A153. It was agreed to support this, although the feeling was that the 30mph limit should be extended to the A15 / A153 roundabout. However, councillors were disappointed that Highways had given priority to this rather than addressing their safety concerns about the A17 Rauceby / Cranwell crossroads.
7. Planning Applications:
i) 21/0138/HOUS | Erection of detached summerhouse and storage room | 20 Pinfold Lane South auceby Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 8QE – Following discussion about the description of the
structure and the clarity of the plans, a vote was taken and the meeting was in favour of raising an objection. 6 for and 1 abstention.
ii) 21/0271/HOUS | Erection of a single storey side extension | 11 Southgate Spinneys South Rauceby Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 8QF – In favour.
iii) 21/0366/TCA | T1 Horse Chestnut - fell | 32 - 34 Main Street North Rauceby Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 8QP – In favour
Plans decided since the last meeting:
i) 20/1678/TCA | T1 Yew - fell | The Old Vicarage Main Street North Rauceby NG34 8QP – Due to timescale the Planning Committee had responded to this application Recommendation that pruning
rather than felling be carried out. – TPO not served
ii) 20/1778/TCA | T2 Yew - fell | The Old Vicarage Main Street North Rauceby NG34 8QP – The Clerk to respond as above. It was noted that the area surrounding the tree is very crowded
and that the applicant will be replanting - TPO not served
iii) 20/1607/OUT | Outline planning application for the erection of five dwellings and proposed shared access onto Thorpe Drove together with new single-bay garages for numbers 82 to 86
Main Street with all matters reserved for subsequent approval. | Land To The West Off Main Street (west of Numbers 82 to 88 Main Street) South Rauceby – Refused
iv) 21/0128/PNTEL | Proposed radar installation | Land At RAF Prior approval not required.
8. Parish Clerk Vacancy – No appointment yet. A second advert now circulated to the whole village and displayed on Facebook pages of neighbouring parishes.
9. Traffic Calming Measures – Various options available other than red tarmac, which is no longer supported by LCC. A proposal was made by Cllr Waite that the introduction of white gates at the
southern entrance to the village (Rauceby Drove) be considered. Cllr Ireland to liaise with Lincolnshire Highways.
10. Sleaford REP Community Power Fund Grant – The criteria for this fund covers environment, sport, well-being and education. Grants of up to £5K available. It was suggested that an application be made for traffic calming measures, however, unclear whether this was within the criteria. Cllr S Enstone to look at whether the ‘self-dig’ part of the Rauceby Gigabit application could be funded by this.
A parishioner had suggested renovating the pond area in North Rauceby. Ownership would need to be established first. The Clerk reported that this had been researched in considerable depth once before and no owner could be identified. Any future suggestions from parishioners would be considered.
11. To consider renovation of benches and noticeboard – A quote had been received to replace the timbers of the two North Rauceby benches in a superior hardwood and to renovate the noticeboard. Discussion over whether to renovate or replace. The Chairman concerned at the safety of the benches and proposed that if a decision not reached they should be removed temporarily. It was agreed to return to this item at the next meeting.
12. Allocation of the remaining Community Benefit Fund – £1942.02 still held by the Parish Council. All in favour of dividing the fund evenly between Rauceby Church and Rauceby Village Hall. Cllr Ireland to find out whether VAT is still reclaimable on this.
13. Correspondence:
i) Anglian Water – Details of a new pipeline network circulated.
ii) NKDC Street Numbering – The Willows, 25A Main Street, North Rauceby.
iii) Request to place a plaque on the Thorpe Drove bench in memory of D McFarlane (late of outh Rauceby) – Approved.
iv) Lincolnshire Highways A153, Greylees – proposed 30mph speed limit. This was discussed under item 6.
14. Update on Outstanding Matters:
i) Position of Post Box, South Rauceby – Still awaiting a response regarding a meeting with the MP and Royal Mail.
ii) Reinstatement of footpath, Main Street, South Rauceby - The matter has been reported several times on the fault reporter and also by Cllr R Enstone via Anglian Water. Still no repair and the drop now significant. Cllr Enstone reported that a site meeting was to take place this week.
14. Financial Matters: (circulated)
a) Financial report – for approval and signing
Current account - £16,697.56 (statement circulated)
b) Cheques for signing / expenditure approval
LALC – Annual subs £161.43, Information Commissioner – Annual fee - £40.00,
P Ireland – Salary for two months - £296.16
c) To consider LALC Annual Training Scheme subs and Zoom renewal – It was agreed to renew
the Zoom subscription but not subscribe to the Training Scheme.
15. Items of Urgency –
i) Co-option policy – The Clerk had produced some notes to accompany the NKDC policy for future reference.
ii) The Chairman thanked the Clerk, as this was her last meeting.
16. Date of next meeting – The next meeting will be Wednesday, 19th May 2021 at 7.30pm on Zoom.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.18pm.