May 2020 Minutes EOM
The meeting was held virtually, using Zoom hosting.
Present: Cllr M Ireland (in the Chair), Cllr B Balderston, Cllr K Colehouse, Cllr G Enstone, Cllr R Enstone, Cllr M Froggatt, Cllr J Malloch, Cllr A Hagues (LCC), Cllr S Waring (NKDC), 7 members of the public and the Clerk, Mrs P Ireland.
1. Apologies for Absence: Cllr I Graham and Cllr S Waite
2. To Receive any Declarations of Interest: None
3. To discuss Planning Application –
20/0438/FUL | Erection of 1no single storey dwelling. | 38 Pinfold Lane South Rauceby Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 8QE
Items taken into consideration when reaching a decision:
- The Local Plan - Housing Growth in Medium and Small Villages (LP4) – South Rauceby still has growth allowance
- The existing restrictive covenants in place on Southgate Spinneys
- Size of plot.
- Size of existing bungalow and the proposed one (existing two bedroom – proposed three)
- Position of proposed building in relation to the neighbouring properties
- Impact on light and air on the neighbouring property
- Necessity to fell a silver birch tree
- Proposed property in keeping with its surroundings
Following discussion Cllr Colehouse proposed that the application was not supported.
Reasons –
It was acknowledged that South Rauceby has allocated capacity for additional properties but it was felt that the use of a rear garden was not a suitable location.
The plot is not of sufficient size to support two full size properties.
The northern and western walls are too close to the neighbouring properties.
The location of the new property would be so close to the western boundary that the rights to light and air for the existing property (No 30 Pinfold Lane) would be significantly impacted.
The three windows on the western side of the proposed dwelling would represent a noise impact upon the neighbouring property (No 30 Pinfold Lane).
Traffic using the proposed gravel driveway would confer a noise impact upon neighbouring properties (No 30, 34 and 36 Pinfold Lane).
The proposed rear garden would confer a noise impact upon the neighbouring properties (No 30, and 40 Pinfold Lane).
The proposed dwelling would not be in keeping with the original nor present design of Southgate Spinneys, that has properties set with large gardens.
Cllr Malloch seconded the application. A vote was taken. Carried unanimously.
4. Date of next meeting – The next meeting will be on Wednesday, 8th July 2020. Format to be decided by the Clerk at time of setting the agenda.
5. There being no other business the meeting closed at 8pm.