May 2021 Agenda
To: All Members of Rauceby Parish Council
I hereby give you notice that a Meeting of RAUCEBY PARISH COUNCIL will be held on Wednesday 5th May 2021 at 7.30pm. The meeting will be held using a Zoom meeting forum. There will be provision for 10 minutes of public speaking time at the beginning of the meeting.
Clerk to Rauceby Parish Counci
29th April 2021
Rauceby Parish Council
Time: May 5, 2021 07:30 PM London
1. Introduction of New Parish Clerk
2. Election of Chairman:
To elect the Chairman of the Council and to receive the Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
3. Election of Vice-Chairman:
To elect the Vice-Chairman of the Council and to receive the Vice-Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
4. Apologies for absence:
To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.
5. Responsible Finance Officer:
To appoint the Responsible Finance Officer
6. To Appoint a Planning Committee
7. To receive any Declarations of Interest
To receive Declarations of Interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation.
8. To decide on any items to be carried out in Closed Session
9. To Review and Adopt the Standing Orders (website)
10. To Review and Adopt the Financial Regulations (website)
11. To Review the Asset Register (circulated)
12. To Review the Insurance Policy and quotation (circulated)
13. To Review the Complaints Procedure (website)
14. Review of the Council’s Policies, Procedures and Practices in respect of its obligations under: (all on website)
* Freedom of Information
* Data Protection Policies
* Equal Opportunities
* Risk Management
15. Review of the Council’s Policies for Communications / Press / Media and Social Media (on website)
16. Review of the Council’s Employment Policies and Procedures
17. Review of the Council’s Expenditure (donations) incurred under Section 137(3) of the Local Government Act 1972 or the General Power of Competence
18. Financial Matters:
i) To approve the internal auditor for 2021-22 and approve the Statement of Assurance
ii) To formally adopt the Annual Governance Statement 2020-21 and to set the dates for public inspection
iii) To formally adopt the Accounting Statement 2020-2
iv) To agree and sign the AGAR 2 Exemption Certificate
19. Plans for a Parish Open Meeting
20. To approve as a correct record the notes of the meetings held on 17th March 2021 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes.
21. Rauceby Gigabit Project – update from Cllr S Enstone
22. Reports from Visiting Representatives and Police Matters if any:
23. Planning Applications (This may include plans received since the agenda was circulated):
i) 21/0302/HOUS | Erection of a rear and side extension with internal alterations to form revised living area and attached annexe accommodation. | 14 Pinfold Lane South Rauceby Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 8QE – No objections.
ii) 21/0138/HOUS | Erection of detached summerhouse and storage room | 20
Pinfold Lane South Rauceby Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 8QE.
iii) 21/0271/HOUS | Erection of a single storey side extension | 11 Southgate
Spinneys South Rauceby Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 8QF
iv) 21/0366/TCA | T1 Horse Chestnut - fell | 32 - 34 Main Street North Rauceby Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 8QP
v) 21/0398/HOUS | Removal of existing conservatory and replace with single storey extension for kitchen / dining space | 42 Main Street South Rauceby Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 8QG
Plans decided since the last meeting
24. To approve renovation of one bench and noticeboard - North Rauceby
25. Village Litter Pick
26. Correspondence:
27. Update on Outstanding Matters:
* Traffic calming measures
* Sleaford REP Community Power Fund Grant
* Position of Post Box – South Rauceby
* Reinstatement of footpath, Main Street, South Rauceby – update
* VAT reclamations on remaining Community Fund
28. Financial Matters: (circulated)
i) Financial report – for approval and signing
ii) To consider donations for 2021 (S137) i) LIVES (Request received), ii) upkeep of Rauceby Churchyard, iii) Purchase of wreath from RBL
iii) Cheques for signing / expenditure approval
29. Matters of Urgency – Any matters which have occurred after the agenda was published – for discussion only.
30. Date of Next Meeting – The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, 7th July 2021